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All Lives Matter: Black And Others too

Amidst the already chaotic conditions of the current world, a tragic incident happened in U.S.A last month by brutally killing of an African -american man whose name was George flayod in a police custody. This new spread like a spark and ends up with burning out millions dollars properties in america. Even trump also didn't expect this kind of aggression, not just inside in america people all around the world starts giving their own thought in this regards.

But  if we carefully observe our society don't you think their might be a clash between "all lives matter" and "some lives matter
'. In Article 15 of Indian constitution states that you can't discriminate any person on the basis of their caste, sex, religion and race.
As this is the very complicated situation Some countries also had strict and legal provisions in this   Division based on race, colour, caste and ideologies  were supposed to decrease with education and social progress.

In 1993 Noble Peace Prize Award to Nelson R. Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa
Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela talking about the Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi in his speech "In many aspects, he is my role model."  There are striking similarities between the two men that's the reason Nelson Mandela also known to be as a Gandhi of South Africa.

Proper knowledge with  awareness and true empowerment only take place with real education you get. By the time pass we humans evolve from stone age into technology and science age but there are still some things left in our society that not properly vanished out.We have to analyse this situation our self before any leader use this as their political agenda.

Don't know but why some people handle this type of situation with such an narrow mythology.

Now lets back to India of the top most educated and enthusiastic politician was B. R. Ambedkar, an  who came from a social group that was considered untouchable, theorized that untouchability originated because of the deliberate policy of the upper-caste Brahmanas.According to some experts and historians he was so mentally and physically torture 

There re seversl kinds of disorders and diseaase that cause to humans such as vitligo

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