How to increase your self confidence
How to increase your self confidence
1.Visualize yourself as you want to be.
2.Affirm yourself.
3.Do one thing that scares you every day.
4.Question your inner critic.
5.Take the 100 days of rejection challenge.
6.Set yourself up to win.
7.Help someone else.
8.Care for yourself.
Hello friends !
Today I will tell how you can increase your self confidence. Many people are unable to speak in front of anyone or if they want to speak in front of two people, they are not able to stand in front of everyone on the stage, it is not a disease, it is less self confidence that we do not Will be able to speak So to increase your self confidence these tips can be adopted-
- Wear nice clothes
Pay special attention to your attire because sometimes you will see or feel yourself that you will feel very happy and confident wearing nice and stylistic clothes. Similarly, we should always pay special attention to our dress. Whether we are at home or outside, both of them wear such clothes that you do not feel low confidence. Always buy clothes that give you confidence.
Make small goals Instead of making big goals, make small goals. When you accomplish the small goal, your self-confidence will increase. Then you will have the confidence to make and complete more goals. Therefore, keep goals big in your life, but accomplish small goals.
- Do Yoga and Exercise
Do include yoga and exercise in your routine. If you stay fit, you will feel yourself confident in getting up and sitting in front of people. By doing yoga and meditation, we remain fit both physically and mentally. We must do yoga for at least 30 minutes.
- Believe in god -
Learn to believe in God. Remember God in every good and bad time. Many people do not believe in God. Sometimes we remember in bad times but forget in good times, while we should always thank our God in good times.
- Learn to talk with your eyes
Whenever you talk to someone, look at the eyes of the front and talk. There are many people who look around while talking to someone, which is considered a lack of self confidence. So whenever you talk to the person in front of them and talk in their eyes, it has two advantages, first - they will also feel that you are taking interest in their talk and second your confidence level will also increase.
- Recall your past achievements -
This is a good way to increase self confidence. Many people have done a lot during their past days, so you should remember your past achievements, which will increase your confidence level.
- Sometimes learn to say no -
There are many people who are unable to say no. Like - the work we are not interested in or we are unable to do that work, yet many people do the work that weaken our self confidence. Therefore, do not do the work that will stunt your self-confidence.
- Adopt positive and optimistic thinking -
Always think positively and make your thinking optimistic. Positive thinking changes our thinking and Behaviour a lot and also changes in the thinking of those who are around us.
If you always have negative thoughts in your mind, then keep yourself busy because you have heard that "you must have". The empty mind is the mind of Satan. ''
Do something you like, like dance, sing, painting or listen to a song. Even listening to the song makes both heart and mind feel refreshed.
- Believe in yourself -
You should do any work but believe in yourself. If you do not believe yourself, then you cannot do any work, no matter how easy it may be.
"" If you believe in yourself anything is possible "" "If you believe in yourself then everything is possible. "So have faith in yourself and strengthen your self-confidence."
Thank you For reading my Blog. I hope you Guys are enjoy it. and hope its work in your self confidence...
Thank you
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